“Truth Shall Prevail,” Says NewsClick as ED Raid Goes On For Over 24 hrs

ed raid in newsclick

ED raid goes on for over 24 hours in the office of NewsClick, the founder of NewsClick, an independent media portal, Prabir Purkayastha was brought to the office of the company from his residence by the ED officials, according to sources.

The Enforcement Directorate raided the residences of officials and journalists associated with NewsClick, an independent media portal based in Delhi, on Tuesday morning. The office of NewsClick was also reportedly raided by the agency on Tuesday.

The raid has not concluded even on Wednesday morning. It has been more than 24 hours of the ED raid.

According to sources, the hard-discs of computers and documents related to the accounts department were seized by the ED officials. They also questioned NewsClick’s Editor-in-chief Prabir Purkayastha and Pranjal Rewa.

The houses of Prabir Purkayastha, Amit Chakrabarty, Pranjal and a couple of others were also searched, sources said. The raid started at 8:15 AM on Tuesday morning and continues as of now on Wednesday.

In a statement released by NewsClick, the platform said: “Truth shall prevail. We have full faith in the legal system.” It also added that the raids are still underway and a full statement will be released only after the process is over.

It ia learnt that the founder of NewsClick Prabir Purkayastha was brought to the office of the company from his residence by the ED officials, around 11 PM on Tuesday, where the questioning continued.

According to reliable sources, the ED officials started copying around 100GB from emails of the company’s journalists. However, it was not clear if the copying of emails had concluded at the time of this report being written.

Sources also said that new batch of ED officials arrived on Wednesday morning, after almost 25 hours since the raid began, to relieve a couple of officers stationed for the raid since yesterday.

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