
Corona death toll crosses 9/11 terror attack causalities

“More people are now dead from Covid-19 infection than were killed in 9/11 terror attacks” followed by “ Corona Death toll from Covid-19 tops...

Infosys terminated employee for posting obscene COVID-19 message

Infosys terminated employee for posting an objectionable content on COVID-19. Infosys has added in its post on Twitter, that it has a zero tolerance policy...

Nizamuddin religious event, the spread of COVID-19 through Clusters

Nizamuddin religious event had 1,746 attendees. 'Clusters' is the new term that we hear more now. The case count has been increasing aggressively in the...

Indian Railways to convert train coaches into isolation wards

Covid-19 outbreak: Railways convert train coaches into isolation wardsIndian Railways is likely to transform its coaches into quarantine facilities, to help the state governments...

Student writes letter to PM, God’s wealth to help fight COVID-19

A student wrote a letter to PM. He requested religious trusts to donate 'God's wealth' to help fight COVID-19 crisis. Abhinav has asked PM Modi...

PM CARES Fund launched in fight against COVID-19

PM Narendra Modi, announces PM CARES Fund for donations to India's war against COVID-19 or the Novel Coronavirus and requested for donations on Saturday.Coronavirus...

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