
India’s Biggest Spike in COVID Death toll, After Bihar Revises tally

The world's highest single-day COVID death toll is reported on 9 June,2021. The record spike happened after Bihar revised figures to audit deaths at...

Have you lost your Job in India’s Covid-19 Lockdown? Write to us!

Avaaz24 want to hear from readers who are in insecure jobs or lost their jobs due to India's Corona Virus Lockdown.India has been in...

Should Employees go Back to Work after COVID-19?

Should employees go back to work after the COVID-19 crisis is the biggest debate now. People around the globe have adjusted themselves to work...

Mass Farmers Protests are Super Spreaders of COVID, warns GOI

The leaders of the Indian Govt. requested the farmers to call off their mass protests by the end of this week. They cited that...

What is White Fungus? Symptoms, Who is at Risk?

Amid the rise of black fungus, new cases of white fungus is the new matter of concern.  Scientific name for White fungus is 'Candida...

COVID-19 Third Wave likely to affect Children severely, says Experts

Covid-19 Third Wave: Medical experts are warning parents to be on vigil and look for symptoms in children and to intervene early.Experts are warning...

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