“August 14 As Partition Horrors Remembrance Day” : PM Modi

partition horrors remembrance day

The Prime Minister of the largest democratic country felt that there should be a day to remember the “struggles and sacrifices” during the partition. Hence, he declared 14 August as Partition Horrors Remembrance Day.

On the contrary, it is the Independence Day of Pakistan. Furthermore, he said that it was a day to commemorate millions of people who had to displace themselves during the partition.

Prime Minister Tweets

The Prime Minister tweeted, “Partition’s pains can never be forgotten”. Millions of our sister and brothers had to displace from their places. Many lost their lives due to mindless hate and violence. May the Partition Horrors Remembrance Day keep reminding us of the need to remove the poison of social divisions., disharmony. May it further strengthen the spirit of oneness, social harmony and human empowerment.”

Ministry of I&B

Soon after the Prime Minister tweeted, the Union Home Ministry issued a notification to this effect. “While at the stroke of midnight of 14th-15th August,2021, the entire nation will be celebrating the 75 Independence Day. The pain and violence of Partition has remained deeply etched in the nation’s memory”

Furthermore, it said  while the country has moved on, to become the largest democracy and the third largest economy of the world, the pain of partition suffered by the nation can be never forgotten.

BJP Leaders

However, the BJP leaders applauded this move of the Prime Minister and gave parallel instances from many countries.

The announcement is a political move to gain the attention of the people who struggled during the partition. They claimed the announcement made to be a rightful tribute to the struggles and sacrifices of our people.

They blamed the opposition for the casualties caused then and said that it mirrors the wrong policies of the then government.

People’s thought

Surprisingly, after 7 years of BJP rule, they remember the struggles during partition now.  People feel that this move is to gain political mileage from them. This way they want to blame Nehru again for the partition then.

One BJP leader was heard saying that Partition was done so that two incompetent people become Prime Ministers. 10 lakh innocent people lost their lives and that “the sins of those responsible for India’s worst genocide should be exposed.

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