Tag: modi

40% Americans never heard of Indian PM Modi: PEW Survey

According to a new Pew Research Center survey, 40% of Americans had never heard of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.The poll between March 20...

Emergency a Dark era in Indian history: PM Modi in Mann Ki Baat

During his Maan Ki Baat broadcast on Sunday, PM Narendra Modi said the Emergency was a dark era in Indian history when atrocities were...

Chandigarh: 36 students grounded for missing ‘Mann Ki Baat’

Thirty-Six PGIMER's National Institute of Nursing Education students were grounded for a week in the hostel for missing Modi's 100th 'Mann Ki Baat'. The...

Anti-BJP posters appears in Hyderabad, before Modi’s visit

On Friday, a day before Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Hyderabad, anti- BJP hoardings and posters appeared around the city.During his visit in...

Watch: Ram Jethmalani’s confession to seek forgiveness from people of India

In a video which surfaced on social media, shows the top Lawyer Ram Jethmalani confessing about how he supported the Modi-led BJP government.Many people...

Govt’s efforts to block BBC documentary backfires on PM Modi

The efforts to block the BBC documentary grabbed more attention across the world. All the measures taken by the government failed as India is...

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