How important is Vitamin-D?

We all are aware of the COVID-19 situation and its effect. Every Health Organization and Drug pharmacy tried every possible way that can be of some help during this pandemic to save lives of the people.  After days and months of research, Israeli researchers discovered that the deficiency of Vitamin-D increased the risk of Covid-19 infection.

Vit-D is a fat-soluble vitamin. It helps in the absorption of calcium, phosphate etc. Deficiency of this vitamin causes Rickets in child and Osteomalacia in adults. Two forms of Vitamin-D found in humans are Vitamin-D3 and D2.

There are few dietary sources of Vitamin-D. They are the flesh of fatty fish, mushroom, and most important source is sun exposure. Cholecalciferol is synthesized in epidermis through a chemical reaction depending on Sun. But it is found that prolonged exposure to Sun increase the risk of skin-cancer. Vitamin-D is a must to curb the increase in its level.

For the current study, published in the journal FEBS, the research team examined data of 7,807 people they underwent a Covid-19 test as well as a Vitamin D blood test. As a result it was found that low Vitamin-D level is associated with the likelihood of infection.

According to a study, 7,807 individuals were tested, out of which 782 were Covid-19 positive and 7,025 were negative.The researchers found that the vitamin D level was significantly lower among those who tested positive than negative for Covid-19.

During the research, they also found that Covid-19 positive participants were younger and more males. In an analysis, males who are over 50 years, and from low-medium socio-economic status were positively associated with the risk of COVID-19 infection.

In another study published in the journal BMJ, in May, it was stressed Vitamin- D supplements can be beneficial for Nutrition, Prevention and restore health after COVID -19.

Previously, it was found that insufficient Vitamin-D, causes acute respiratory complications but limitations were there.

Findings from the majority of studies were based on data, gathered from population groups in developing countries and cannot be extrapolated to populations from more developed countries due to external factors.

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