Weather forecast by IMD; heavy rains in Hyderabad

hyderabad rains

Weather forecast by IMD; heavy rains in Hyderabad for next 48 hours.
Heavy rains likely to occur in the city in the next 48 hours, is forecasted by Indian Meteorological Department (IMD). It has predicted thunderstorm accompanied by lightning to occur at isolated places.

IMD forecasted that light to moderate rain or thundershowers very likely to occur in many parts at times intense spells in one or two places of the city for the next 24 hours. It also predicted heavy rain very likely to occur at isolated places in the Telangana districts.

It is predicted by Telangana State Development Planning Society, the state will receive State Cumulative rainfall from 1st June to 17th October 2020 is 1215.4 mm with deviation 54 per cent which surpassed the earlier highest annual Rainfall June 2013-May 2014 record was 1212.2 mm.

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